Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Short Story

In the Life of a Mammalia
(In Other Words... a Chimpanzee)
Kelsey Banner
            Inside a dense tropical rainforest lived a chimpanzee named Aku; she was a very beautiful chimpanzee indeed. All the males would fight to get her attention, but she never seemed to pay any mind to that. What she wanted most in life was to see the big, and wide world.
            She has heard lots of other chimpanzees talk about it, but none of the other chimps knew that she was listening. She would always find some nuts to eat and as she chomped them down she would perk her left ear up, because her left ear was her strongest ear, and she would memorize every word they said.
            “There are lots of human out there”, Mama Sadie said to Gertrude.
“Humans?” Avu thought, she had never even thought of what those might look like.
            “I saw one once. They had fingers, ears, and a mouth just like us”, Gertrude whispered.
            “Just like us?” now Avu thoughts began to stir. She decided that she had to see one of those for herself.
            Avu ate as much as she could for dinner that night so that ready she could sneak out at the peak of dawn when nobody was awake. She would have to be agile for nobody in her community would hear. If she made one clumsy mistake it could wake up all fifty family members, especially Papa Lenerd. If Avu woke him up her would pound his chest and show his big wide teeth and yell at her for the rest of the night, Avu knew just what to do.
            “Here Papa Lenerd, just for you!” Avu passed him a mound of fruits just for him.
            “Why thank you Avu, that’s awful nice. A little too nice if you ask me. If I were to analyze your act of selflessness I would assume that you were up to something, but there is no need for that. I know that I can trust my beautiful chimp.
            “No need to worry Papa, when you wake up in the morning I will be snug as a bug right nest to you in my nest,” Avu said with a grin. She was always a terrible liar.
             But Papa Lenerd was even more gullible. He leaned over to Avu and gave her a pat on the back, “I hope you dream of the big, and wide world tonight,” he said with a sincere smile.
            “I will Papa, I sure will,” Avu said with a sly smirk.
To Be Continued….


Three Characteristics:

  1. 4 chambered heart
  2. Well developed brain
  3. Posses hair made of keratin. The evolution of mammalian keratin is believed to be independent of reptilian keratin. Hair provides insulation .

North Atlantic Right Whale
  • Eubalaena glacialis


  • Pan troglocytes

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Three Characteristics:

  1. Warm blooded with an exoskeleton of feathers
  2. No sweat glands
  3. Each jaw covered with a keratinized sheath forming a beak


  • Chauna chavaria


Spectacled Owl
  • Pulsatrix perpicillata

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Three Characteristics:

  1. Animals which are cold blooded
  2. Two sets of paired limbs (tetrapods)
  3. Skin has few cutaneous glands and high levels of keratin, which prevents water loss through the skin


Emerald Tree Boa
  • Corallus caninus


Red-Footed Tortoise
  • Chelonoidis carbonaria

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Three Characteristics: 

  1. They have moist glandular skin
  2. They lay eggs that are non-amniotic
  3. They have "true tails"

  • Silurana tropicalis


North Pacific Treefrog
  • Pseudacris regilla



Three Characteristics:

  1. With a swim bladder providing buoyancy
  2. Notochord that evolved into a vertebrate composed of bone
  3. One pair of gill slits protected by operculum

Flagtail surgeonfish
  • Paracanthurus heptatus


American shad
  • Alosa sapidissima 

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Three Characteristics:

  1. True teeth made of calcium that grow in rows
  2. No swim bladder
  3. 5 pairs of unprotected gill slits

Sea Fox
  • Alepias vulpinus


Reef Shark 
  • Carcharhinus falcifermis