Thursday, February 7, 2013

You Deserve an Introduction...

To sum everything up, we get to dive pretty deep into the phylum chordata in my sixth period zoology class. What a privelage. To hit things off each post will briefly explain each phymlum that i have been assigned, including a picture, and if you are lucky a poem. So here goes nothing:) 

Here are some basic characteristics that ALL chordates share:
Credit givne to Mr. Hathaway. These are notes that I took.

  • a flexible rod structure that extnds the length of the body
  • it is the axis of muscle attachment
  • it can later develop into a complex jointed skeleton
2. Nerve Chord
  • Dorsal and hollow
  • can develop into the central nervous system
    • brain and spinal chord
3. Pharyngeal Pouches
  • slit like openings that lead from pharngeak cavity to the outside
  • in the aquatic chordate they break and form gill slits
  • in tetrapods (land) the become Eustachian tube, middle ear, tonisls etc..
4. Post-anal Tail
  • provides motility for free swimming animals
  • waggable tails in animals
  • or lose it in embryonic development

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